On July 01, 1996, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Barth and his working group were transferred from the Institute of Mechanical Engineering to the Institute of Friction Technology.Hans-Jörg Barth and his working group were transferred from the Institute of Mechanical Engineering to the Institute of Friction Technology after Prof. Noack retired on 31.03.1995.
After studying mechanical engineering in Munich and Darmstadt and subsequently working in industry, Professor Barth became a research assistant at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering in 1967, where he gained his doctorate in 1971.
After working for the company Lurgi-Apparatebau in Frankfurt, he returned to his former institute as a research assistant on January 1, 1974, was appointed senior engineer in 1975 and, after his habilitation in 1978, received the venia legendi for pneumatics, which was followed by his appointment as associate professor in 1985.
In teaching, Professor Barth represents the subjects of pneumatics, hydraulics, fluidic circuit technology, machine acoustics, energy conversion machines and, proportionally, energy systems technology.
Under his leadership, research projects in the above-mentioned areas are carried out with funding from the EU, among others.
As part of the university's self-administration, he was active for many years as a student advisor, as head of various commissions, as a member of individual committees and as dean of the faculty, as well as in the further training of university staff and developed a series of study and examination regulations as well as the first self-report on the teaching evaluation of mechanical engineering by the ZevA.